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No More "Sitting on the Fence"

Updated: Sep 6, 2021

I am working on things seen & unseen

Things behind the scenes soon to be revealed

As I sound the trumpet

Angels will be released

They will flood the earth with My Glory!

The Glory will wash across this (your) great land like a wave

A giant wave

It will churn & stir the people like the surf on the ocean

Some for the good

Some will be confused -even panicked & scared

My Church will be glorious once again

A place of refuge & filling

Filling of needs, not just food and clothes

But love & acceptance

Filling of my Holy Spirit!

My people will realize what they thought they needed

was not what they truly “need” at all

They must see ME!

I am their provider

The world tells them something different

At some point, they must choose

No more will “sitting on the fence” be allowed

Sides must be proclaimed & declared

I need my people “all in” &

I will be “all in” for them

I will shelter them with my love, grace & mercy

Their protector I will be...if they will only give me their full hearts

Surrender to Me!

I will give them fullness in all areas of their life...beyond imagination

My purpose/plan is for my people to walk in my power

Praying & healing all they encounter along the way

Eyes & hearts will be opened by the

Power displayed, Healing experienced and Love poured out

Millions of hearts & eyes opened to My Kingdom

To rule & reign with me on the throne most high

They were created by me & for my son Jesus

To rule & reign forever with us

Since the beginning of time, this has been my plan

My plan of redemption for all that will hear it

There is room for everyone

My Heaven is very big...HUGE

I make room for all that seek me and receive my message of salvation

Come rule & reign with Me my children

Sit at the right side of my throne

The view is magnificent from here!

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I am a follower of Jesus Christ, He is my Lord & Savior.  I am married to a Kansas farmer and a mother of three.

See the "About" section for more of my story. 




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