The Mountains will Shake
Updated: Sep 6, 2021

The mountains will shake, I am your God
Worship with your whole hearts
I will provide protection
Protection to my people, my dear ones
Praise my Holy name
Praise above all others
I am Yahweh
(Lift) Be lifted higher with my Spirit
Be comforted by my soul
Listen to the words I have you write
Do not trust your natural sight and ears
Hear what I want you to hear
Trust in me alone, even if I make you come undone.
I am your shield and your protector
Lord Sabbath, the Lord of Hosts
March into battle with me
Be my intercessors and stand in the gap for others that lack prayer and sight
I love my people and cry for them to come back to me
I created each soul & person for my Glory
My Glory alone!
I will not share worship and my love with those that do not seek me
turn to me now, do not hesitate!
I am your King!
King of this Land
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