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Angels are Standing By

Updated: Sep 6, 2021

The time is coming & it is coming soon!

Kansas is going to catch on fire

Hearts will burn bright & hot for me

Hearts will return to the fold

New sheep will come to the flock

Just watch who I will use to transfer & spread the fire!

Angels are standing by

You stand by too

The prayer bowls are full & they are ready to pour out

Watch for the wave

Water, Living water will rise!

Living water will swirl & wash the people

New clean vessels

New wine vessels

New fire vessels

New oil vessels

New hearts & souls

Praise on their lips

Fire in the hearts

Today I do a new thing

Fill your heart with my Word

These are words I can use to fill your mouth

Words I give you to speak to those around you

I will give you words of knowledge

I will give you my wisdom

I will help you to see others the way I see them....with love

Keep your eyes & heart set on me and no other

No other idols of time or want

I, your Lord your God, will provide what you need

I will amply supply

Keep Faith

Keep on the straight path

I can and will use you for my Glory

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I am a follower of Jesus Christ, He is my Lord & Savior.  I am married to a Kansas farmer and a mother of three.

See the "About" section for more of my story. 




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