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I will Redeem this Land

Updated: Sep 6, 2021

Love is in my heart for you, my people are my delight

Delight in your God, as I delight in you

Lift up my Holy name, Yahweh

Lift up your voices to me

Worship me with your whole hearts

You are my people and I am your God

Together we Are One in spirit. Bound together.

So worship me and my nameThe Most High, El Shaddai

Trumpets may blow, winds will blow

Obey my commands, as Angel armies march across the land

Obey my commands.... Angel armies

Obey my commands.... My people of God

I will redeem this land from sea to shining sea

I bring Justice and Righteousness back

Do not fear attack, I have your back

Protection to all my people

Do not be nervous or anxious for I am your God

And you are my chosen ones (people)

It is with love that I teach and lead you to new things

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I am a follower of Jesus Christ, He is my Lord & Savior.  I am married to a Kansas farmer and a mother of three.

See the "About" section for more of my story. 




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