Holy Fire 🔥
LISTEN TO WHAT I SHARE, my heart is for and with my people/children, always has and always will. ❤️
The shifting is happening, my armies are in place and have begun their advancement. Listen close to what I say. You will be covered and protected, know this no matter how dark it looks. My children will have a special covering, favor and anointing to move in this time when most of the world is frozen or " locked up". I am with my people, do not doubt even for a second. Be on alert to my calling. You have been training for your role in this time. I have unique jobs for each and every one of my children. It will not be a time to hide or spectate from the upper bleacher/stands. My love will pour out, boldness will be found in that love & other needed qualities & virtues. I will right the ship that has been taken so blatantly off course by the enemy. Nothing has and never will be too far off the track for my correction. I work and teach in the midst of it all.
Lift up my name, children.
Holy is my name!
Be in awe & fear the Lord thy God!
This reverent awe is the key to our relationship. I love all my children, however the ones that truly seek me, long for me & spend time with me in my Word will be set apart. There are special things that need to be done & I will give these tasks to those that hear the Lord, not only my voice but more importantly, know my heart and my heart for the world. Some of you have been through the fire with me, some of you, your time of true purification is coming. My Holy Fire is the only way to truly get the world burnt out of my Holy vessels... welcome the Fire, pray for the Fire, long for the Fire.. purification from my altar!
Stay close to me, seek my heart in all situations...say "What does God say about that?"
It's time to KNOW I dwell inside you! I in you, you in me... we are One! I call you to live your life from this understanding of truth. Renew your mind and be filled afresh with my Holy Spirit. Overflow with my living water to those around you. This state of radiance should be your normal. Be bright & be radiant for me. For my Glory! Light up the dark world, pull together your lights & become a beacon in your community. Lost ones will be searching for my light, may it be found with & in you all.
Stay the course I have you on. Know that you have been chosen and are rightfully in position to serve my Kingdom. "Here we go," says the Lord of Hosts.
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