Glory Days
Updated: Jan 15, 2022
Things are about to change
Be ready
Be ready to move
Be ready for my move
“Glory Days” you ask?
My Glory!
My Glory will fall
My Glory will bless & inspire new workings of my Kingdom
New insights
New ways to walk with me
My Glory will fall on those that have sought my face
My bowls are ready to pour out over my people with Blessings
My Blessings are ready to pour out over the world
Tipping the bowls will set the world on Fire for me & my Kingdom
Sought my heart
Sought my Kingdom
I will reward those that have sought me & the things of me (Hebrews 11:6)
They will be blessed with new unique gifts
Things not seen this way before
I reward my children….the Remnant
I thank them for their faithfulness & prayers
They have been heard in the Heavens above
May it burn strong in the hearts of my people
Burn bright within my people...
May they be so Radiant!
So radiant that it can only be my light within them
My light is special
It brings Mercy, Grace & Forgiveness to all that will receive it
All that will let it wash over them
All that truly see & receive my Love for them
I do this great thing to bring lost ones back to me
People that have been lost, confused, feeling unwelcome in my church
The doors are now wide open
Open to all who walk through them
I will wash them clean from their sins & past
New clean vessels they will be
Vessels I can use for Kingdom work
There is work to be done
Harvest to bring in
The fields are almost ripe
The time is drawing near
We will celebrate the Great Harvest together
Oh, a celebration it will be…
Like none there has ever been!
Heaven will rejoice over the great work that is happening on the earth..
Work that has been a long time in the making
Ready the Harvesters
Ready the Combines
Bring in the Harvest…
Oh what a Harvest it will be!!
Angels will assist
Work with them as you co-labor in the fields
“My time is my time” says the Lord"