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Chains falling.....Here the sound!

Updated: Sep 6, 2021

The weather is a sign

The moon is a sign

The joy is a sign

The insects are a sign

Nature reflects the desires of its Father

So is my wish (want) for all my children to reflect & to radiate my Glory & Love

Love for me & for each other

Remember when I said that “Love is always the answer”

Love is the key to everything

From the beginning of time, all things have been created on the foundation of Love

As a father, I long to gather all my children close & tell them how special each & every one of them are to me

My love is burning for them to fellowship closely with me.

I want them to see my heart

I want them to see the plans I have for them

Good plans

Plans beyond what their imaginations could even fathom

Come to me children

Snuggle in close

Spend time alone with me, your Father

I have stories to tell, things to reveal & adventures for us together

Our spirit is one

You are my sons & daughters

You need to recognize your Kingdomly authority & position on this earth

My children were made to rule during this time

Walk into your calling my children & church

Loose & bind like you have never done before

My power is with you to accomplish much, in my name, against the darkness

Their time is limited. Their time is ending.

Rule my children

Drive back the darkness

Decree a thing or two, in my name

Keep your eyes & ears on me

I will direct each & every step

Stay in line with me

Heaven will be seen on the earth

What Glory will be seen by all!

It will lighten & brighten all areas of darkness, both known and unknown

Do not fear change my children

This new thing I do will be glorious & I want you to walk in delight.

Yes, there will be battles but there will be even greater celebrations

Celebrate each & every soul that comes back to me

That is so important & precious to your Father’s heart

Many will come

Reach out your arms to assist

Welcome & embrace them as representatives of your Kingdomly Father

They will see me in you

Be bold & do as I instruct

We have much to do & much to share to those that are searching

I am waking many


Listen for the call of the trumpets in the spirit realm

This is the sound of change

The rushing of my wind

The flood of living waters

Floods of my goodness

Let it wash over you & your family

Receive, Receive, Receive

It is my blessing, favor & protection washing over you

It is also a new anointing of my power to detangle this tangled world

Tangled chains will be loosened & fall to the ground

Bondage broken

Chains falling.....Here the sound!

My people will be free

Rejoice my children at your freedom

Praise your Father who has freed you from the enslavements you have taken upon yourselves

Do not take these chains up again

Wear my spiritual armor

Go into battle with & for me

You will be mighty weapons against the forces of darkness

You will know & see through the evil strategies & games

Your sword will easily break their plans of evil

Your sword will break others chains off, giving them freedom, the same freedom I have given you

Rejoice in the Lord your God!

It’s time to move

It’s time to take a stand together, Oh Church

My bride is young but I will teach her with loving kindness & instruction

She will grow & mature into a beautiful bride fit for a mighty King

Oh how I love my Church! Stay in my Love....together we will be.

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I am a follower of Jesus Christ, He is my Lord & Savior.  I am married to a Kansas farmer and a mother of three.

See the "About" section for more of my story. 




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