All Hands on Deck
Updated: Sep 6, 2021

Do not become so distracted by this world
It is temporary, mine is forever
There will be a time of unrest and shaking
I will need “all hands on deck” to serve the kingdom
The lost ones!
Be ready, stand at attention my children
The time is near
You will know what to do when the time comes
I have been teaching you all along
I train you in Spirit and walk with you daily (at all times)
Do not doubt that I am here, I am indwelling
Bless others as I have blessed you
My children are the apple of my eye
The time is coming that I put you into action
Speaking in tongues builds you and teaches you
I will plug in my plans and engrain them in your DNA (your soul)
You were born for this, to serve the Kingdom
The time is almost here, be ready
The sitting and waiting will be a thing of the past..
Bring the Lost ones into the fold
Gather them back to me, I love them
Always have always will!
I do not want to lose a precious soul
The choice is always theirs
“Choose me!” says the Lord
Choose an eternity of love and worship
Choose an eternity of friendship and kinship
Things that will blow your mind
I long for you to see this Heaven of mine!
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