A Church of True Believers
Change is on its way
It may not be the way many have hoped for or envisioned
For my ways are not your ways
Man's solutions are not my nature or way
Justice will be served
My kingdom will once again show its mighty hand on this land
Angels are in position
Waiting my command
They have various assignments regarding each mountain of influence
Financial reset and system...
Businesses will bloom once again
Some will be taken down and out completely
New businesses will rise up and meet needs like never before for the people regarding jobs, provision and families
Governments will be shaken, replaced and refilled
Filled with my chosen candidates and Kingdomly servants
Education will look different with my presence back in schools
My Glory will once again fill the hallways and classrooms
This generation will know me differently than all the ones before
I will draw close and work with them individually to fulfill my plans
They will be a different generation, different in thought, faith, power and worship
They will seek and know my heart so intimately
My church will have a huge change as well. My bride will rise up from the remnant and the lost ones coming home
A church of true believers!
The fence has been torn away
She will look so beautiful as she learns to rule and reign in these last days
She has been given keys to use.. unlocking mysteries and power yet to be seen and revealed
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Yes and amen! 🤍